Myyyy Pet Peeve!

Well, it's weird to just call the post 'My Pet Peeve' because I do have a few doozies that drive me crazy. But no one wants to sound like a complainer on a quiet Sunday afternoon, so for your reading pleasure I'm choosing my top peeve. Punctuality.

I was taught to be on time as early as kindergarten. I can remember my dad triple checking his watch, and telling me to get a move on. He'd be counting backwards from the time we'd have to be somewhere to the current time to see what time we needed to leave the house. Sound confusing? It used to be. But now it's just a way of life. A way of life that is a true courtesy that too many people don't give to others.

I had a boyfriend in high school that chose to be 2 hours late to pick me up one night, and I decided to not speak to him for the next 2 hours. He was never late again. Just thought I'd share, people think I'm nuts when I tell them that lol. I've also fired therapists in the last few years that chose to continually be late. :)

Many times when people are the late ones, there's not only excuses, but annoyance from their end. "Well, too bad, I'm here now," or I also like "whatever, sometimes they make me wait too." Wtf, is it a pissing contest to see who can be latest? Around here people don't even mind when someone is late because they are just glad people show up at all. But that's a story for another day.

I'm just here today to tell everyone that I hate when you're late. No, you're not keeping me from doing something else. No, my food won't get cold while waiting. No, the evening won't be less fun now that you've wasted a half hour of our time. Yea, you still don't get it. It's just rude and it just sucks.


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