My First Happy Day this Week!

Go ahead. Just say it. You know you want to. I haven't been the ray-o-sunshine blogger I usually am. No great recipes. No happy mommy tips. Not even some yay I'm skinny Wii updating. Bad Mama blogger. Bad.

Life has gotten in the way of everything over the last three weeks. The family is dealing with something rotten and of course why at any time other than the holiday season? But yesterday, amidst the grey clouds and gloomy thoughts, a phone call came my way. One that brightened up my day and could possibly change my new year.

Mama's got a job! I've thought about working again for a while, but was really waiting for the right position to open up. And it did...Middle School Math Support Specialist. Ahh, doesn't that just roll off your tongue? Just what I've been waiting to do after 6 years of being home full time.

So yes, I suck at blogging lately, and I need some happy good vibes thrown my way for the fam, but as I said a few posts ago when talking about 'everything happens for a reason', sometimes things just have to happen in life to move forward. And, a very wise woman recently taught me you only get 72 hours to sulk. So move along Mama, move along:)


  1. Oh, I am so so so so so excited for you!!!! That's awesome!!!


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