Maybe I'm the Normal One!

As a teacher I am always looking for interesting lessons and ideas to spark student interest, whatever the topic of the day may be. And sometimes those lessons carry over to my own boys. The internet is an awesome resource for teachers and saves us tons of money! So the other day I was looking for story starters, either quotes or pictures. My older boy loves to write and draw so I thought we'd make a book. Anyway, I came across this picture:

A wonderful story starter if you ask me! I instantly thought of my younger son when I looked at it. For over 2 years now it feels like some days he's just like any other boy around, but then there are those days when he is so very different. So that was my first idea when I found the picture.

But then I looked at it again, and thought of my older son. Sure, he's a 'typical' 1st grader, but he's got his own quirks too. I don't like to brag about my kids too much, because we all know how those moms are, but he's smart. Really smart. Scarily smart even. Sometimes it's hard for him to make friends or relate to other kids his age because while they are talking about some dumb show they watched over the weekend, he's talking about his new periodic table poster on his wall and how he was counting protons. So he fits this picture too.

Today I looked at the picture one more time and realized, huh. It's not the boys. It's me. I'm the odd mama out. Not because of my kids, but because of who I've always been. I like to be independent. I like to beat to my own drum. I like to wear funky clothes, purple tights, skull infested sneakers. I like to have hot pink toenails in winter. I like to whistle alot, snap my gum obnoxiously, and drink beer in dive bars. I like to do things other people don't. As I get older it is a little toned down, but I still don't quite fit the mold of 'typical' mom or girl.

So while I saved this picture to show my boy and see what wild sci-fi situation he'd create, I found that me and my boys break the mold of normal. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


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