Walk a Mile in My Christmas Shoes

We are now exactly 30 days past Christmas. Is your tree down? Mine is. Decorations gone? Yup, me too. I'm sure you are already looking ahead to spring, as am I, yet I just thought I'd give an update on my Groundhog's Day life stuck in the Christmas season.

The holiday still has a very strong presence here. The santa toys are all still out, and everything is still being turned into something Christmasy(ever see tinker toys be used as a sleigh? didn't think so). But Friday, while fighting the good 6:30am-time to go to school fight, little man put on his Santa hat and backpack. No Alex, put on your winter hat. Needless to say, with 2 minutes to spare I caved in, and he wore the hat. We went into town and grabbed breakfast and headed over to school. He got many comments thrown his way, and stares. Seriously grownups, who cares what hat he's wearing? My boy is clean, healthy, and has his head covered on a cold winter morning. Am I judging you for your dirty pants and beat up car? Nope, I could care less.

So when you see someone a bit out of the ordinary(and really, who's to say what ordinary means?) just think it to yourself. I don't need your comments. Part of being a parent is to pick and choose your battles, and I can't even put something like this into the battle category. I'm sure if you dig deep enough into yourself you'll realize you are a bit quirky too. I'm the biggest loudmouth going if provoked, but even I've learned to keep comments to myself.


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