How about an Advent calendar with 365 windows??

The tree is up. There's 3 ornaments on it so far. It's hard enough to put it up so early no less have to decorate it. But being that our whole life revolves around Christmas all year long, why wait another moment to put the tree up. Heck, I'm shocked it didn't go up earlier!

I don't know if all kids with Autism go through 'obsessions', but I know many that do. Sometimes they can last for a few weeks, and sometimes, as in our case, well over a year. It started with something simple I'm sure, maybe a book or a tv show, but it snowballed. Fast. Uncontrollably. At first it was fun, who doesn't love Christmas?!? And, I was ok with it because Alex was actually interested in something. It kept his interest, encouraged pretend play, and made him happy. What more could I ask for?

And here we about 14 months later. I just looked at this post and realized just how long it has been. Funny how at that time I really thought it would just fade away. That same toy is still sitting across from me as I type, and many have joined it. People have been complaining the last few weeks about radio stations starting Christmas music early? I have a steady rotation of cds in my car, all Christmas music, all year long. Want to watch a dvd in our house? Your first choices would be Frosty, Olive the Reindeer, Elmo's Christmas, or Christmas Eve on Sesame. Feels weirds sitting in the air conditioning in mid-July singing 'Keep Christmas with You.' I can go on, but I'm sure you get the point.

Let me clarify that I'm not complaining here. I'm happy he's happy. It's more of a vent I guess. Some days it gets overwhelming. Sad even. And when the real Christmas rolls around and I have no desire to celebrate because I feel like I'm stuck in the movie Groundhog's Day, I feel bad. What kind of mom doesn't want to put the ornaments on the tree?

Well, right now the answer is: this mom. I'm sure as the weeks progress and it feels more like Christmas I'll be able to be more excited. But right now I'll just continue to sit here on my rocker and watch The Santa Clause.


  1. Wow - I can't imagine the patience you must have - I think I'd be ready to hurl all things Christmas out the door. I look up to moms like you.

  2. I can relate! My son with autism obsessed LAST Christmas, specifically over the Frosty the Snowman cartoon movie. By the time April rolled around I thought I might have to claw my ears out if I had to hear that snowman's annoying voice one more time. Thankfully, I guess, the dvd ended up getting so scratched from being toted around the house to different dvd players and to the car, to where it eventually began to skip and pause so much that he didn't want to watch it anymore. Hallelujah!
    Just this past Christmas my oldest son said at Target one day, "hey mom, you know our Frosty dvd got all worn out. Maybe we could get a new one today?". I declined the opportunity. ;-)


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