I'm Thankful

Some lists I come across are very serious, some are silly. Mine is a happy combination of the ridiculous and sane. I can think of tons to be thankful for this year, but I've chosen my top things to showcase. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I'm Thankful For....

The boys – they keep me laughing even on days I feel like crying

My Hubby – for working hard, driving far, and providing us with everything we need

Michael Kors
– he has supplied me with a few really pretty things this year

–  it's fun to catch up with so many friends from years ago that I would have never contacted otherwise

My Sister
– watching her overcome huge obstacles this year shows me anything can be done if you work hard enough

Miss Mary
– my little one would not be growing and learning half as much without her. Our lives have truly been blessed with her help

My Mom and Dad
– they are my go-to people. If I need anything, they are no farther than a phonecall away, and my dad even closer. Some days would be so hard to get through without his help

My coffeepot
– it has served us well for about 2 years now. Serves me hot, perfect coffee every morning. Without it I’d be a bumbling fool.

The electric blanket
– never had one my whole life, but now I can’t live without it. Not only does it make for great snuggling with the kids, but it helps with heating bills too.

Weight Watchers – not a topic I really like to talk about, but without them and their support system this year I wouldn’t be the skinnier, happy mama I am today.

The Wii – it’s given our family hours of enjoyment together and we have regular family fun game nights because of it.


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