It works EVERY time!

I'm going to let you in on my secret 'hey kids, get upstairs and go to bed!' technique. I've been using it with the boys for over a year now, and it works like a charm. Every time. Remember of course that with anything like this, there is a warning label. Not every child will fall for it every time, or at all, it may cause some injuries(even to mom), and it may cause a tiff now and then. But other than that, it's super simple.
My boys fight me to go to bed on a regular basis. They make themselves dead weight so I can't carry them. They pretend they don't hear me say 'ok bedtime!' So, I say these 6 simple words. Actually, now I only say the first 5 words, some nights even 3. Ready? Here it is ...

On your mark.... get set.....go!

And that's it folks! I turn getting up to the bathroom and bed a simple race. Two boys vs. one mama. They never let me win, some nights I even start on the second steps and say it. They love beating me up the steps, beating each other, and it gets out that last burst of energy for the night. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, it is. And that's fine, because in our house it's the only consistent way to get my boys to bed. And it's fun :)


  1. That is exactly how we get the toys cleaned up around here. The kids love to race each other!! Works like a charm.


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