I Heart Pie,

Holidays with an Italian family are like extreme eating contests. There are a ton of choices on the table, you try a bit of everything, then a bit more. It's ok if you don't like roast beef  or ham, there's a whole turkey too. Pasta? Salads? Breads? Veggies? You name it, we've got it. But growing up, this gal waited for the desserts. Not the fruits, and nuts, and cookies. Just the pie. The chocolate pie. The chocolate pudding pie. No whip for me thanks. 

Grandpa would put together most of the feast on his own. I always requested my chocolate pudding pie, and it was always there waiting for me. A cousin tried to make it one year after my grandpa was gone, and she ruined it. She ruined that part of the holidays for me. But I'm getting off topic here. Back to the pie. It's my favoritest.

My sister made me buy Nature Valley Dark Chocolate Granola Thins recently. One side is pressed together granola, the other side a coating of lovely, smooth, dark chocolate. Yummy. The first time I opened one and smelled it, I had a million memories flood my mind. It smells just like my beloved chocolate pie. It tastes pretty darn good too, and it's not too unhealthy!

With no extra time for pie making, and no room left in my jeans for pie eating, this is a perfect quick-fix snack. The thoughts it brings me of holidays past taste better than it ever could.


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