The Colors of My Life.

I don't know why it popped into my head the other day, but I realized that my favorite color recently changed. I'm sure there's some people that have the same favorite color throughout their life. But mine has changed a few times since I was little. Such a silly thing to even give any thought to, but I guess when you have young kids that color and ask you what your favorite crayon is, it reminds you.

I took a minute to actually search around to see what the colors of my life have meant. It's funny, the descriptions of "What your favorite color says about you" kinda sorta fit me throughout the years. Here's a little breakdown:

1. When I was little, my favorite color was PINK. HOT PINK
This color embodies the gentler qualities of Red, symbolizing love and affection
without passion. Pink desires protection, special treatment and a sheltered life.
Pink people require affection and like to feel loved and secure.

2. As I got closer to high school, and through college, my favorite color was PURPLE.
Purples are highly individual, fastidious, witty and sensitive, with a strong desire
to be unique and different. Temperamental, expansive and artistic, a Purple
person may become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood.

3. When I got a little older I was looking for a bit more color in my life, one to make me happy. My favorite color was TURQUOISE.
Complex, imaginative and original, Turquoise people drive themselves hard
and may be in a state of turmoil under their outwardly cool exterior.

4. Not sure why, but right now, my favorite color is NAVY BLUE.
Soft, soothing, compassionate and caring. Patient, persevering, conscientious,
sensitive and self-controlled, Blues like to be admired for their steady character
and wisdom. They are faithful, but are often worriers.

So, my colors of life show that I have gone from a sarcastic, free-spirit looking for love, to a compassionate worrier. Like I said, a silly thing to think about, but somehow a crayon box speaks the truth.


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