Video Taping Rewind.

I'm one of those mamas that says I wish I had video taped my kids more when they were tiny. I did have the camera, and I did catch most milestones on video. But after they grow, you wish you had more. Now with the camera taking the video instead, I find myself using it more, but then it just gets uploaded onto the computer and lost in the sea of documents.

Yesterday my boys wanted to see some videos of themselves during our lazy day. I plugged in the old school video camera and we sat and watched through both of them coming home from the hospital, crawling, walking, and laughing a ton. We had a great time, but not only did I get to reminisce with them over days past, I got to learn a few new things. I learned that even though I could hardly tell who was who at times on video because they look so much alike, they couldn't be more different. 

To see my older one at one year old was amazing. He was walking, talking, responding, questioning. At one. Yes, he's my brilliant boy, but to see how tiny he was, and already acting like a little old man, it's really neat.

To watch the progress(or lack of) of my younger one unfold on video was really an eye opener. Not knowing then what the word autism even meant, I unknowingly would narrate the video by saying things like 'he's two and a half and not talking yet' and 'he sits by himself..still not walking!', or watching as I continually called his name without getting a reaction from him. Huh. Who knew. 

The other thing I noticed was my relationship with the other parent who was taping at times. Knowing now what my relationship has become with him, and looking back at it then, there were underlying things between us even then that I could hear in my voice that got under my skin. Huh. Who knew.

Video footage and pictures can be a great way to look back and relive happy times with loved ones. But they can also be great predictions of what's to come in life. 

Now here's one of my favorite more recent boy that 'might not talk' is now singing the Star Spangled Banner.


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