What goes around does not come around!

Karma: action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation

Now anyone that knows me knows that I'm not the most religious, believing person in the world. I try to be, I want to do better with that part of my life, but right now it's just not working out. I even try to read some other blogs that have more of a religious theme to them to gain a better perspective and understanding. But karma is an idea that I've always thought makes alot of concrete sense. Let me rephrase that. Karma was an idea that I used to think made alot of concrete sense. Now I just have no clue which end is up in life.

How is it that some people can do such great things in their life, only to have everything just taken away in an instant? One minute life is picture perfect, the next minute there's total chaos and everything is horribly wrong? I've been dealing with this pertaining to a few different topics in my life for a little over two years now. I thought as time went on, and I learned more, educated myself, helped others, etc., time would heal the wounds. But today I read one line of an email from someone, and a wave of emotions rolled over and I felt like I was back to a very specific day 2 years ago. We've all changed a little, grown a little, but time has not healed anything. I'm still bitter, sad, cry any time someone asks me, and I'm still mad at the universe for changing the lives of many people I love.

Yes, I'm a bit cranky and hostile today. No, I do not want to hear 'everything happens for a reason' or 'God will never give you more than you can handle'. I just need someone else's outlook on how these grey skies are gonna clear up.


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