What Are You Reading?

I love to read whenever I have a moment. I'm currently toggling between 4 books. Three are on the Kindle, one from the library. In no particular order, here's what I'm reading this week:

1. Rumi: The Book of Love
Saw this in a movie a few weeks ago and forgot that I do actually enjoy reading poetry sometimes. Sometimes.

2. I am Ozzy
Biography of one of the coolest guys around.

3. Glenn Beck's Arguing with Idiots
I loves me some Glenn Beck whether on tv or in print, so I always try to stay on top of his current projects. I've been wanting to read this for a while and have finally started.

4. Eclipse
I think this is either my third or fourth read through...I think fourth. But the movie is coming out in less than 3 months, so what better way to get ready?

What are you reading?


  1. The Celestine Prophecy. It was one of the more intriguing books in the library at the ashram so I started it last weekend on my trip. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but I took it out of the library yesterday to finish it.

  2. I happened across your blog through the networked blogs discussion boards on facebook and have really enjoyed my visit.

    I must admit that my Kindle is also my BFF, as I almost never leave home without it. I debated getting one for nearly a year, and once I got it, just couldn't believe I'd waited so long.

    I just finished reading another Nicholas Sparks novel called 'A Bend in the Road', which was really good an am also presently reading Eckhart Tolle's 'The Power of Now'

    It's great to 'meet' you and I look forward to reading more!


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