I Want to Be a Teacher Someday!

The title sounds like something I would say, right? Wrong-o! How many of you know that teaching wasn’t my first choice career in life? Or second choice? Or even third choice? Probably only a few of you I went to college with I guess. It’s the truth, I never, ever saw myself as a teacher until the end of sophomore year of college.

Just in case you really need to know, I wanted to be a physical therapist, an architect, and a computer programmer. Then teacher.

Anyway, if Mama didn’t say that title sentence, by golly who did? Any guesses? Someone I never thought would even be able to form a lovely, perfect sentence no less something so powerful. Yup, my little Alex. We were just hanging around the house the other day and he blurted it out. I asked him what he just said, as my ears definitely can mistake kid garble, but sure enough he repeated it verbatim. My baby. My baby that spoke late, that hated signing, that got so frustrated when he couldn’t tell us what he wanted or needed. My baby.

I’d be thrilled if Alex becomes a teacher someday, but I’d be thrilled even more to see him continue to grow and learn, love life, and be happy and healthy. It’s nice to look to his future, but this mama knows that baby steps works best for us.


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