Light it up BLUE!

Before I even go into this post, please reread my thoughts from last year. It's pretty much what I wanted to say today, but if you missed it, check it on out!

Today is Autism Awareness Day. Wild to think that just a handful of years back, there was no one day to show support. Most people weren't even 'aware'! Now sadly, because Autism has covered such a large amount of ground, many people have become more aware, more educated, and more considerate of Autism. Sure, we have a long way to go(I'm going to just assume some people will always be ignorant), but baby steps.

The numbers have only gotten worse. Still 1 in 88 children will be diagnosed, but a whopping 1 in 54 will be boys. What's being done? My family and I have raised many thousands of dollars for research over the years, hopefully that is helping to shed new light on the world of Autism. But again, that parent 'feeling', that feeling that something is just 'off' with you child, will go a long way with the early detection and warning signs.

I'm not lecturing by any means, I'm sure most of you know my feelings and awesome story about the early intervention. Autism is different than so many other things children might go through, because it's not always apparent. You look through a foggy window, unsure of what's behind the glass. I just ask kindly that you muster up all of your strength as a parent and do all that is necessary to get your child the help he/she needs and deserves. Don't worry about what others say or think, just do it. Your child will thank you some day :)


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