If I could talk to me again.

Did you see the video floating around this week to talk to your younger self about skin cancer? It was wonderfully done, and it made me ask myself what I'd say to my younger self if I had the chance. Nothing deep, nothing about future predictions. Just life at that age. Here it is.

Dear 16 year old me,

You and your friends should try a bit less hairspray. Try to be nicer to the other cliques of girls in school, even though you are in one of the more known bitchier cliques. It won't matter years later who you hung out with most, it will matter who you were kindest to. If they are real friends,  you will continue to be friends with them 10/20/30 years down the line.

Don't dump boy #1 for boy #2. Boy #2 will cause you unnecessary heartache and pain, and even many years after high school still make you regret your decision. Boy #1 becomes a great friend despite the mess, so appreciate that friendship.

The job you have now is the best job you'll ever have. Enjoy every minute. I really think  it strengthens your interpersonal skills and helps to prepare you for your work with fellow teachers and parents.

Spend more time with your grandparents. You'll regret it later if you don't. Give them a call, stop in for a visit, and ask lots of questions about their lives.There's no better gift to give your kids than family stories.

I know you take lots of pictures, but just put them in albums. Don't rip them up after a friendship or relationship is over, don't toss them as you get older. They are a great way to look back, share with your kids, reminisce about good times. 

Keep a journal. Not a diary with your deepest, darkest secrets, just some everyday info a few times a week. Your memories start to fade after about 10 years or so.

Continue to not smoke or doing drugs. You'll be very grateful in the long run that you made that right choice, especially as you watch a few friends spiral out of control.

Mom and Dad really are doing everything for your own good. It's tough love, and you will do it with your own boys when you get older.(yes, 2 boys!)

I have lots more to tell you, but you are still young and I don't want to overwhelm you with the bigger stuff in life. Just enjoy every minute. Don't wish it away :)

Love, me


  1. I love this! I have a few notes to share with a certain little ginger haired girl that had no clue about life.


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