1ups, Star Power, and Coins, Oh My!

Am I the only one that hears this sound on a daily basis?
Some days I'm pretty sure I am.

When I played old skool Nintendo when I was younger, I sucked at it. I tried Mario and was lucky if I beat level one. I preferred Duck Hunt and Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Not so much coordination necessary. After that craze, I pretty much stopped playing games until computer games became popular, and even then it was a select few.

But now, life is very different. I play. Too much. My boys have successfully overrun my life with Mario and all his little friends/enemies. It started off as a simple game rental almost 2 years ago. Then it became a Wii game purchase. Then a tshirt. Then a Netflix rental of the old tv series with Captain Lou. The DS games. Then sweatsuits. Then books, games, figurines, backpacks. It even got to the point of me crocheting little dudes.

Where does it end? And at what cost? I've never seen a Nintendo product go on sale, have you?

I guess I should look at the bright side. The games are great for the kids' hand/eye coordination, and I'm pretty sure I'd rather them work on problem solving within the game than sitting still and lifeless in front of the tv. It's something we all do together, and share in our triumphs and failures within each board. I guess Mario can stick around a while longer. Or at least until we beat Bowser, unlock characters, save Peach, and whatever else needs to be done in our pile of games:)


  1. Do they have it for Wii? just thinking what great exercise it would be to have to run and jump and catch things!!


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