My Life in Tangled Yarn.

Last night, I was just about finished with a blanket I've been crocheting for quite some time now. I was |this close| and suddenly I hit a snag. A tangled web of yarn that brought me to a screeching hault...argh!!! I could have just cut the yarn at the knot, and started again, but I  refused and continued to try to untangle it.  As I sat and attempted to make my way through all the little loops and twists, it made me start thinking about my life.

It's no secret that my life has been full of twists and turns the last two years. Many bumps, many complicated knots, many tears. But I saw my end goal. I knew where I was heading, just had to off-road a bit to get there. Slowly but surely, I've found the other end of my yarn of life. I see now that all of the knots I had to undo were very worth the stress and aggravation.

The nice part that ties together this little blog post is my guy. He not only helped me untangle my yarn to finish the blanket this morning, but he also helped me find the end of my metaphoric yarn in life, and is the best end product I could ever have.


  1. Sweetness. I look forward to meeting this fella of yours one day!


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