August brings September, brings school!

Don't you just love those Staples commercials where the parents are dancing and singing as they buy school supplies? That's how I feel around this time of year. Sure I get a little sad for myself not working in a physical school building, but yay for my boys getting back to school soon! I know there are those of you that are saying it's only July, and how lovely it is to be summer. But if you are like me, with the kids home all day, every day, and spend every moment with them without a break......well then, you too are counting the minutes until school starts!

I'm done buying their school clothes and backpacks, and today we will tackle sneakers. The only good thing best thing about our school, is that they supply everything the boys need in class. Even last year when I sent one of them in with a cool folder, it was sent home because it wasn't the one they use. Strange indeed, but hey, it saves me money! I still buy my fair share of school supplies though, at 25 cents, how can I not store away 8 boxes of crayons and some colored pencils?!?!?

So to those of you that are counting the days like I am, keep on keeping on. That first day of school will be here before we know it, and we won't have to here 'I'm really bored'!!


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