Gone But Not Forgotten.

I loves me some great TV. Sadly, it's been said before that I have the black thumb of TiVo. Kinda like the green thumb of gardening, only black because of my ability to choose crap shows to TiVo. Correction. They are not crap to me, some I really enjoy. But, any time I set a season pass for a show(records all of the episodes for those of you non TiVo'ers), before I know it the show goes off the air ! I went to check out my season passes the other day, and noticed that area of my account is overflowing with cancellations. I refuse to delete them.....just in case.

Today I wanted to take a few minutes to share with you some of my fallen shows. Some were fantastic and are missed terribly. Others, well, I should have known better than to get to attached.

1. Passions - Oh crappy, corny soap opera. You left too soon as Tribes did, and were the first of many fallen soaps. You gave me that little amount of time each day to completely check out of reality, and for that I thank you.

2. The Hills - I knew you wouldn't last forever, the kids were bound to grow up and move to other slutty cities.

3. The City - They did grow up, but then they decided they were too grown up to share their lives with us weekly. So selfish.

4. Heroes - What a show......the first season. I knew you were supernatural, but you just went too far. I still miss you though, and thank Netflix for letting me rewatch you.

5. Ugly Betty - It's hard to believe you've been gone almost 2 years. I still watch reruns, and enjoy every minute. I miss you chiquita!

6. Friday Night Lights - Every week I waited to see what Tim the whole team was up to. A show that could have been set in any football town. Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose. But you did.

7. Traffic Light - Was I the only one that watched it? You made me giggle, your characters were silly, but you told me the same story each week. So, nah, I don't miss you too much.

8. Las Vegas - I'll get too choked up talking about you, you left me far too soon. And left me wondering if Danny and Delinda's baby was ok, shame on you. 

9. Pushing Daisies - What a nice addition you were to my pathetic Friday night at home. I looked forward to you, and couldn't wait to see nutty Kristin Chenoweth. Thank goodness I have her on GCB now, but with that now having a season pass, I hold my breath and wait...

10. LOST. - There are no words to tell you how much you meant to me. How I learned to over-analyze situations thanks to you, and still quote your numbers when necessary. You were a great addition to my season pass list for many years, and for that I thank you.

Honorable Mentions still on my TiVo list: Prison Break, The Wedding Bells, Lie to Me, and October Road.


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