All You Need is Love.

I woke up thinking of love songs. There's songs about happy love, broken love, wanting love, lost love. We nod our heads and sing along in agreement, sometimes with tears streaming But for some reason, my mind used the songs differently this morning. I was thinking about my boys, as lyrics from a love song popped in my head, making for a sad thought. Huh. Of course the love of our children is a much different love they are singing about, but what we hear still rings true to some extent. Right now my boys are going through a bit of sadness, a love loss from that person that they should never feel love loss from( I'll give you a's not this parent ), and I'm in turn feeling heartbreak for them. A few lyrics that come to mind quickly: "I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love that respects you/Just call my name and I'll be there" " When you're weary /Feeling small /When tears are in your eyes /I will dry them all /I'm...