Bored of Being Bored.

I have a vivid memory in my head from when my niece was about 6 years old(she's 21 now!). We were up at the Cape Cod house, having a lazy day as usual, and she sang: "I'm bored, I'm so bored. I'm B-O-A-R-D bored!" So cute. But now, on a daily basis, I hear a similar tune. Every. Day. I'm bored. I have nothing to do. What should I do? I'm SO bored. Today is boring. There's nothing to do. ACK! Why, oh why, don't kids realize how wonderful the gift of time is? Of course for myself, to have shh time, to do crafts all day, to watch the news, to even have the extra minutes to deep condition my hair in the shower, would all be a blessing. But instead, I hear the complaints, all day every day, and then the fighting which comes hand in hand with it. I guess I assumed that having 2 children would give them the opportunity to always have someone to play with. Wrong-o! It just makes it easier to always have someone to fight with! Fail. I know some peo...