To Venture or Not to Venture...

...that is the question. Being an out of work teacher can be very stressful. Knowing that you have all this education under your belt, love the job, and are good at the job, makes it suck even more. This area is overwhelmed with teachers, and it's all who you know. So perhaps it's time for a new line of work. Or better yet, perhaps it's time for a business venture.

How do I take that jump to the unknown in the business world? Where do I start? What if I fail? These are the most common questions in my head. But as life has changed alot lately, I'm starting to trying to look at things in a more optomistic manner. New questions like 'when can I start?' and 'how will it improve our community?' are seeping into my vocabulary. Not to mention excitement, curiousity, and wonder of the unknown.

Should Mama take the leap and try something exciting and new? Should she just stick to her day job and substitute teach for the rest of her days? The answer my friends.....well, I have no clue, but I'll keep you posted:)


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