Am I Eating Because I'm Bored?

I love food. Lots of food. There I said it. I don't feel bad, I don't want to step on a scale, and I don't care that my jeans hardly fit. Well, I say that today anyway. Tomorrow I'm sure will be a different story as it always is. I worked very hard last year to get to the weight I am at, but with everything going on in life I tend to stress-eat, thus the pretty new jeans I bought are currently a no-go. So what's a girl to do? Stop getting stressed so I'll stop eating? Impossible. Throw out the Oreos? Gosh, I had a hard enough time typing that no less actually throw them out. Or accept myself as I am right now and realize that this is just a bump in the road. Yea, that sounds like the best option. Not sure how long this bump will last, or how many peanut chews I will eat from now until I'm over the bump. But I do know that this too shall pass, and if cookies is the way over, around, down, or through, then please, by all means, pour me a glass of milk to du...