Not sure 'sublime' would be the word I'd use for this hair color.
The box and directions make it sound SO easy. How could I not try it?? I read all the directions, it starts as the usual 'mix this with that', then you put on the foaming pump top and SWIRL, don't shake.
So, my first pass on the top of my head was fine. Then it was a bit downhill from there. I wasn't sure how to pump... should I hold it and pump? Gotta pump into your hand, not directly on your hair. So I put it on the sink and pumped. It kept tipping over, I got it on the sink, and I'm pretty sure the dog may be wearing some too.
Then there's the coverage. I'm pretty sure I got all my hair, but it's so hard to tell with this mop. It doesn't stay foamy, it just looks wet now. I clipped it up, and it's a 30 minute wait. BUT, the directions say you should 'continually massage it in'. Want to know why? Because as I'm sitting here typing, I keep feeling something on the back of my neck. So I'm guessing it's drippy. Ugh, so far I'm not enjoying this process. 25 minutes more to wait.
32 MINUTES ELAPSE: For my dark hair, I usually wait at least 10 minutes more than called for, but for experimental purposes I did it properly. The dye never smelled which was nice, and washed out eh, fairly easy. I did the conditioner, and dried it. Below is my final product.(kinda hard to find the same light twice!) I'm very used to having no change in color since my hair is so dark. It covered my stubborn roots just ok, not terrific. There is definitely a subtle hint of 'Spicy Auburn', but definitely nothing like the before/after pics on the box. The best part to me is that the color is even, all through my big hair. That's a very difficult task for me to get right.
I'm not so sure I'd buy this product again. I guess it depends on how long it lasts. If the color was more vibrant, I think I would buy it again. Then again, knowing I never really get the color the box shows me I will, it's no different than any other time I've tried to change it up a bit. I guess I can safely give it 3 out of 5 stars. Smell, ease, and consistent color are my favorite aspects.
Let me know if you try it, I'd love to hear how different colors work out!
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