Sore Finger Solution!!

I hold my pencil wrong. Well, wrong in the eyes of my first grade teacher Mrs. Collins. I held it the way I was comfortable and stuck with it. Unfortunately it makes my ring finger sore on that little upper knuckle part. Thank goodness for typing!

But I crochet. A lot. And with that comes holding the needle 'wrong' as well. I do it very different than anyone else I've watched. That's ok, I'm good at it, so my way is just fine. Anyway, crocheting gives me an even worse sore finger because of the constant pressure in that spot from the needle.

Well I found the solution!! I always knew a rubbery thimble would do the job, but had a hard time finding one. Until a few weeks ago when I stumbled on a set. Yesterday I finally tried it out and hooray! No sore finger today! They do look a bit funny, even though a cute shade of pink with some flowers etched into the rubber. This picture isn't the best quality, but you get the idea. It's very soft, you don't even realize it's there, and it comes just below that little knuckle.

So if you crochet, knit, or do any other type of craft that gives you sore finger, I highly recommend you try one of these out. I've only found them in blue and pink, but I don't really care what color they are as long as it works!

I happen to have an extra one, so if anyone is interested in trying one out, send me an email and I'd be happy to drop it in the mail for you!


  1. Ok, I am a heathen, but what product comes out at the end once you have finished crocheting?

  2. Hi! I just noticed that you follow my blog on facebook and thought I'd say hello ;o) It appears like we have a lot in common -- even the pencil-holding thing! Sounds like we hold it the same way b/c my ring finger hurts too! lol. Anyway, thanks for reading - I'll follow you too if you don't mind ;o)

  3. OOhh! You'd mail me one? I have really sore fingers from appliqueing right now! My friends are all having babies in January (Xmas showers). Lots of bibs!


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