Light It Up!

Today, April 1st, is the beginning of Autism Awareness Month, and tomorrow is World Autism Day. You may see many buildings or homes with blue lights on over the next few days to commemorate it. I'm not one to over-blog about Autism. I advocate when families need me, or am always a phone call away to answer questions. But it's something I care to keep on my homefront. 

But today I need you to read the current statistics, and I'll keep it quick and simple.

In 2004, 1 in 166 children were diagnosed with Autism. When my son was diagnosed in 2007, it was 1 in 150. Today, 1 in 110 children are diagnosed with Autism. That's a 600% increase in the last 20 years. 1 in 70 is the rate in boys.

There is no known medical detection or cure for Autism.



  1. Thank you so much for posting this. My son was just diagnosed with Asperger's.. needless to say I have been weepy about it since. I have been trying to get involved and form connections with other parents.. but it is hard.


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