F'n Facebook.

I check my Facebook first thing in the morning like it's the newspaper. Sure, I'm highly addicted, and do enjoy it, but I know it comes with a price.

It starts with friending just the people you already know are on there, the ones that have been bugging you to join. Then, as you sniff around their friend lists, you get a little more wild and start friending there friends. In time, you start to dig into a 3rd/4th/5th parties' list, have no idea how you got there, yet are amazed to see even more people you know.

Then you move on to searching for and friending people you used to go to school with. You find that half you've been truly curious how they are doing, and the other half you are just being totally nosey and want to see what kind of life they have(or don't!). 

Once you have an ample list of friends, it's time to move on to your profile editing. Just the right picture, and just enough but not too much personal info. Give them what sounds awesome about you, leave out the hum drum.

Back to the friends. Weed through after a while and start blocking comments of those you are sick of hearing from. You know the ones. They constantly play a game. They always talk about their wedding a year away. They give every mundane detail of what their baby ate that day. Block, block, block.

How about Facebook and a relationship? What happens there? Jealousy, questioning, and pissiness are all common symptoms for those faced with relationship demons on Facebook. 'Oh, why did you friend him/her? Why bother talking to them? Huh, are you interested in him/her again?' Dramaaaaa!!!

Then of course last but not least, is the almighty power to delete others. How does one go so far as to delete someone? Or be deleted? Well, an obvious one I know I've been deleted for is honesty. I call it like I see it, and make no apologies for it. I know it offends some, so I've been deleted for that. I've seen some deleted just because they've pissed someone off in the outside world, and couldn't stand even looking at them in cyber land.  Those that can dish it but can't take it, they unfriend you quickly. Those that choke you with politics, religion, philosophy, inspiration, or anything else that sucks when you're in a bad mood....unfriended.  And of course, the be all end all unfriending....the end of a relationship. Whether it's a friendship or a relationship relationship, it's the definite culminating activity that must be done for some to go on with life. Sad, huh?

I'll say the same thing I've always said since I started on Facebook over 4 years ago. It's a website. It's nice to interact with others you know, no matter how far away they are. But that's all it is. Get over it. Don't take it so damn seriously.....Now go friend me if you haven't already! ;)


  1. I wish there was a like button on blogs. I'd totally like this one! :)


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