It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day...

Yupper, not a very useful photo to you at all I'm sure. But to me, it symbolizes so much. It's actually a picture I took at around 5am one morning in the fall. I thought of writing this post then, but got completely sidetracked. It's my favorite time of day here, and that's the best view in the house.

Silence is something that doesn't really exist when you have a house with two small boys. They hardly sleep, they are always running, and fight plenty. So some days I will purposely get up early, make coffee, and just sit on the couch. I stare out the window, and over the mountain the sun is coming up. I'd love to be on my porch enjoying the scenery, but it's too cold! So I sit wrapped in a blanket, coffee in hand, and soak in the beauty. The silence.

Days get too hectic sometimes, and it's hard to take a step back and breathe. But having that sweet little hour to myself, to regroup and ready myself to be a great mom for the day, makes all the difference. Namaste.


  1. I love that sweet silence. Namaste to you, too.


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