Facebook gets my thumbs up!

I know I'm not the only one here that is heard some of the terrible stories that come along with the demons of Facebook. Friendships are questioned, friendships end. Boys and girls fight, both young and old. People break up, people get divorced, and so on. I've heard Facebook is nothing but trouble, Facebook is the devil, I would never join Facebook.

But how about the other side of Facebook? The amazing side of Facebook? Sure there's other social media, but nothing quite as far-reaching as Facebook. The friend you haven't seen in 20 years since high school or childhood. The long-lost family that hasn't heard from you in ages. The family that you miss far away, but you feel like you're always there celebrating with them for the special occasions because you get to hear about all of the different steps along the way, and see all the amazing photos.

Sure I have to had my share of problems on Facebook, but have also had the privilege of mending relationships through Facebook as well. I have formed better friendships with people on Facebook. I get to chatter with cousins I miss so much. I have a new found respect for and stronger relationship with a family member through Facebook, that I never thought possible, and I am so grateful for.

There's the easy idea that if you don't like it, close your browser window or delete your Facebook app. But I say take the time to use it to its fullest potential! :)


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