I have no witty title for this one!

I just saw this and got a little ticked:
Don't ask why I got ticked, I'm not too sure, it just doesn't sit well. If you're having a day where you are feeling down and pessimistic, you could care less about this silliness!

I have a lovely life and lovely things, I don't deny that. But I'm a gal that always wants more. Not material things, just life happenings.  I'm having one of those days where I question every aspect of one area of life. How did I get here? What can make it better? Why is it never enough?

I've said before that I'm a pessimist, and I firmly stand behind that self proclamation. I find it easier to see the negative, then be pleasantly surprised at the positive when(if) arrives. My judgement is severely clouded today though, so I don't even know what I feel. 

I can tell you I'm smelling change in the air though. No idea if that will change my perception of this life area, but I know it will make me feel something I don't anymore. 


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