Who's Got the Fever?

The Bieber Fever that is. LOL, so ridiculous. He's such a little girly looking thing, with his silly hair that he's always flipping. Watching the little girls I know or the ones on tv go ga-ga over him is nauseating!

But then I think back to when I was a tween. Before my hair band addictions. You remember, you'd beg your mom for the new copy of Tiger Beat or Bop so you could rip out the pictures to hang on your bedroom walls. Then the big decision once you ripped a page out was which side to hang it up on! 

So this girly boy that's oh-so-famous right now got me thinking, who was I screeching over and hanging on my walls? Well my top two are an easy remember:
 This girl cried like a baby when River died. Another talent lost over stupidness. But Johnny, my dear Johnny, my love for 21 Jump Street...after all these years he's still one I'd hang on my wall.

A few close runners up would be the cuties below. I enjoyed them too, but if I had to choose the A or B side of a magazine picture, they'd be the B side.
My time line is a little off here for sure. Dylan McKay came a lot later, but he was still on my radar. Him and Brandon were the Edward/Jacob of the time...I was always Team Dylan.

Whose pictures graced your walls?


  1. I had lots of New Kids on the Block, Corey Haim, Kirk Cameron...and I was team Dylan too. But secretly, I had a thing for David Silver. :)

  2. I hate to admit it but Boy George was on my wall! LOL, then of course Dylan, I've always been one for the bad boys!!


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